Professional Stage Design & Assembly

Stage Rentals Calgary

At Rental BROTHERS we carry a variety of stage rental options.

4'x4' Stage Decking | Tuffstage Brand

At Rental BROTHERS we carry easy to assemble staging. Interlock multiple stage decks together for a variety of size configurations. Stairs, railings and skirting options are also available.

Our tuffstage decking is designed for indoor and outdoor events. Fully adjustable-height feet and wide pivoting foot pads make this a perfect staging option for outdoor parties or local music festivals.

Delivery and setup options are available and popular, but if you'd prefer to save on costs, you can also pickup staging directly from our warehouse. Please ensure your vehicle has enough space to transport 4'x4' stage panels.

Feel free to scroll to the bottom of the page and select some popular pre-determined stage sizes. You're also welcome to select a custom quantity of stage decks to suit more custom needs.

Covered Stage Rentals

If you can dream it, we can make it happen!
One of the most common stage rental requests is to have a stage under a tent, or a tent on top of a stage. Both options are possible and are exellent considerations for outdoor event staging.

We've recently also purchased an portable trailer stage for a quick but very profesional and versatile outdoor staging option. More on that just below in the next section.

Reach out to us for a detailed quote.

Stageline Rentals

We're very excited! Here at Rental BROTHERS we've recently purchased an SL75 mobile stage.
- This is a portable, quick to assemble, fully engineered stage.
- Floor area: 20’ x 16’ (6 m x 5 m) | Optional extensions available for more floor area.
- Rigging Total Capacity: 4,250 lb (1,930 kg)
- Wind Tolerance: 185 km/h
- Fully Engineered
- Quick Setup and Takedown: ~ 1 hour
Find out more here: SL75 Brochure

Stage Rentals Products

You can browse our popular stage product options here: